Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Food for Thought

Never Forget This
We get our rights from God and NOT from the government. For example: Government healthcare is NOT an unalienable right granted by the government.

We are endowed by our creator of certain inalienable rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There's no guarantee that we will achieve this, but it can be possible if we try. Congress has no power whatsoever to grant you ANY rights - nor does the President. Congress can only pass laws. It's in the Constitution. Learn it well.

Government = The BIG Ripoff
Government promises:
  • Fiscal responsibility and then spends us into bankruptcy
  • Accountability and then ignores its constituents
  • Transparency and then promotes laws behind closed doors making secret deals
  • Integrity and then is scandalized with ethics violations that never get punished

We deserve better than this. Demand it. Don't tolerate anything less.

Big Government Makes Life Worse
Big government is a force whether you like what they do or not. They steal your money so they can spend it the way they deem fit. If you don't like it, want it, or believe their Progressive bunk, you still have to pay for it. If not, they come for you with guns and put you in jail. Big government makes you pay for whatever they are selling. They don't earn money they take it from you. This is wrong.

Seek Freedom
Remember this is still America. The people are the Masters of the government - regardless of whatever Big Government thinks. In Europe, the government is the Master of the people. Do you want it this way or the way the Founders established it? It IS YOUR choice!

The people are the protectors of freedom and the guardians of liberty. This is YOUR JOB! Question the government. Demand straight answers. Expect the truth and not more lies.

Do nothing and watch your liberties go away forever. Speak your voice loudly and hold Big Government accountable to the laws of the land.

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