Friday, December 24, 2010

God Bless Obama

We should all be very thankful that Obama won the November 2008 election instead of John McCain. Why? Because Americans would not have awakened. Progressive McCain would have lulled Americans to sleep while pursuing the Progressive agenda. Instead, Obama has shocked America into seeing that our fundamental beliefs and freedoms are under attack.

Obama has shown Americans that before we elect the next President that we should take the time to learn as much as possible about the man/woman that we are supporting for the Office. If Americans would have done their job, they would have learned that Obama was raised by Communist parents and mentored by Marxists while growing up. They would have also discovered that he was unqualified to become the leader of the free world because he lacked any management, leadership, or finance qualifications - let alone any foreign affairs experience whatsoever. Instead, Americans were fooled by a man who gives good speaches (much like Hitler and Mussolini did without teleprompters).

Americans would have also learned that Obama has spent most of his life as a community organizer being trained by radical Saul Alinsky and following the tennants of extremists Cloward & Piven. It is no surprise that he has surrounded himself with Communists (Van Jones), Marxists (Anita Dunn), and extreme radicals (Mark Lloyd and Cass Sustein) in his administration. What more could you expect knowing his biography? We would have also learned that he is a true Narcisist - a dangerous "quality" for a man of high power.

Give Thanks
We owe Obama a big THANK YOU for making Americans aware that his agenda is out to destroy America ASAP by spending us into oblivion. We also learned that one man cannot do the job, even though he's trying as hard as possible. We also appreciate that he has some of the most powerful people in the world (George Soros) helping him to "Fundamentally Change America." John McCain would have been like Obama "Lite." Another Progressive with a much less ambitious agenda.

Thank Obama for giving us the Tea Party. Without him, it would never have come to pass. Now the Tea Party has become a strong political force and will remain so for some time. People have organized all over the USA to unit against Obama's "mild" form of tryanny. Now Americans are watching Washington closely and not permitting the old BS to continue any longer. Ironic that it took THIS President to actually make Congress accountable!! Thank YOU!

As we settle down to celebrate the birth of Christ, be thankful for what we have and remember to stand-up and fight for it.

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