Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1984 Has Arrived!

Big Brother is Here
Once thought to be science fiction, the plot in the novel 1984 published in 1949 is becoming reality. The book outlined a totalitarian government dictatorship with excessive surveillance, mind control, constant propaganda, and punishment for "thought crimes". Wait no longer! We have arrived into this world thanks to "Intellistreets."

What It Is
This is a system of a new breed of street lights. It is a wireless digital infrastructure system of street lights with speakers, motion dectors, and video surveillance capability that can all be controlled remotely. All this is accomplished by means of a wi-fi link to each computer in each street light. According to the company, it allows for energy management, data harvesting, Homeland Security monitoring, traffic control, public safety, video surveillance, advertising, and digital media broadcasting.

Did you Say Homeland Security?
With regards to Homeland Security, each light can be used to broadcast emergency alerts, civic announcements, Amber alerts, advertising, display security levels, and give passers by instructions on an LED screen. These lights also contain proximity sensors that record pedestrian traffic as well as road traffic. They can all record and digitize your behavior which could be used in court against you!

Not New
These concepts have been in place in several European countries. British authorities have been working on placing cameras with x-ray scanners so they could literally undress people to "trap terror suspects." The Dutch are developing scanners that can look through your clothing (like air port scanners) so they can determine whether you are carrying a concealed weapon. Meanwhile, we would all be x-rayed without knowing we just received a large dose of radiation. They can couple this technology with facial recognition software and expand their surveillance capabilities even more! NICE!

Familiar Theme
Doesn't this have a familiar ring to it? It should. The ability of BIG Government to use street lights to transmit "emergency alerts" joins-in with BIG government taking control over radio, TV and satellite broadcasting using FEMA's Emergency Alert System.

What About Your Privacy?
Privacy, what's that? You no longer have any privacy! YOUR government is hijacking your freedoms right from under you nose and you just watch them! Your taxpayer grants are funding the implementation this technology in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Where's the outrage America?

Tie this behavior with BIG Government's latest use of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in Tennessee where they are putting up road blocks and randomly looking for "terrorists" by randomly searching vehicles, and the big picture becomes more clear. The TSA was just for airports - REMEMBER? Your government has overgrown its authority and is infringing on YOUR liberties in unprecedented ways. Demand this activity to stop before you come under total control.

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