Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's Easy To Spend YOUR Money!

The Stimulus King
In a blatant attempt to buy young voters for the 2012 re-election campaign, Obama has promised the Wall Street Protesters and college students that he will bail them out of their student loans. Just what America needs, is another bailout. Unfairly choose a select group and reward them with a bailout. Repeat this behavior as long as you can. Sound Familiar? This President is being as transparent as he can be. It's OK to protest and cause civil unrest, and if you do, he will reward your unlawful behavior. What a bastard! He's creating as much civil unrest as possible!

America is going straight to Hell under the "leadership" of the "Great Divider". Obama has done more to promote division in America than any previous President. His 2012 campaign is already promoting class warfare and will continue to do so as long as it works for him. In this case, he's promoting attacks against the rich.

But ask yourself, what's stopping him from attacking some other group. NOTHING! Right now this suits HIS needs. Later, it may be some other unfortunate group of people. That's why he supports the Wall Street Occupiers. He's BUYING THEIR VOTES! Meanwhile, his class warfare is tearing-up our country and he doesn't give a "Sxit" about it because this is what he wants to do! The ends justify the means. Saul Alinsky (Rules For Radicals author) would be proud of Obama's behavior. Obama is a true radical. Just look at HIS actions! He's deliberately dividing the country to suit himself! Divide and conquer.

How Can He Do It?
Remember ObamaCare? This was the bill that we had to pass before we could find-out what was in it (Words of Nanci Pelosi - then House Speaker). Well something funny happened when it passed. The Democratic Congress also attached some sneaky legislation that included - you guessed it - the STUDENT LOAN takeover. The Federal government was given total authority over all student loans in the ObamaCare legislation. Of course that had NOTHING to do with healthcare.

No, it was part of the grand plan to continue giving-out bailouts at taxpayer expense. ObamaCare stole more power when we weren't looking. The bill contained a Trojan Horse to be used when appropriate. This was planned so that it could help Obama's re-election - if necessary. So now Obama is playing his trump card at OUR expense. It was also a clever way of getting young college kids to commit to working for the government as part of their loan-payback. Indoctrinate the youth of America - just like they did in Germany in the 1930s. History repeats itself!

Bottom Line
The bottom line is that taxpayers will only see a partial payback for the huge college tuition loans that these students acquired. But that's OK, the taxpayers will pick up that tab. America, we've been had!! Big time!!!

Now do you see why we have to repeal ObamaCare? This legislation was at best insidious. It perniciously added a law that voters would never have wanted if they knew about it.

Action To Take
This President and the Secular Progressives will do ANYTHING to promote their cause - including deceive taxpayers, college students, or whoever they have to in order to promote their Socialist/Marxist agenda!

We must elect someone else as out President. We MUST repeal ObamaCare. America is being destroyed while we watch.

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