Thursday, December 1, 2011

Collapsing America

Smoke & Mirrors
Obama says he wants to "FIX" the ILLEGAL immigration problem. OK, let's take him for his word at face value. He has refused to enforce the existing laws and as a result, Arizona began to take matters on their own. So what does Obama do? He gets Attorney General Holder to sue the state of Arizona and stop them from enforcing the law.

Border Fence
Obama has had over $1.3 Billion dollars allocated in 2011 to build a fence on the Mexican border. Great! However, Obama's solution to fence building is to cut spending in half on border fencing. In 2011, Obama only spent $573 million on fencing. This amounts to only 649 miles of actual fencing. But, the Mexican border is about 1,954 miles in length. This leaves more than 1,300 miles of open borders unfenced.

When Did It Stop?
So when did the so-called budget cuts begin? Since 2008 when border fencing was in mass production, it dropped to $800 million dollars and $573 million dollars in 2011. This was under Obama's watch.

We have said this before that when dealing with this president, you have to watch HIS actions and NOT listen to his words.

The Real Message
It should be clear, that Obama says one thing and does just the opposite. We have to watch him because he is NOT trustworthy! More and more Americans are beginning to get wise and understand this behavior. As a result, we believe that his actions are deliberate and that he's following a plan. He WANTS to collapse America. Since he took over, our economy has gotten worse and he has spent TRILLIONS of dollars that we can't afford.

Obama is allowing allowing ILLEGALS of all nationalities to pour into the country. They won't all find jobs and will become a burden on society. This is Saul Alinsky's plan to overload the system and collapse it. More proof: He refuses to build a gas pipeline that would create an estimated 20,000 jobs and improve our energy independence. He won't allow drilling, killing thousands of new and existing jobs and making energy costs skyrocket... and on and on and on.

Bottom Line
We cannot afford four more years of this President. America is failing as we speak. Obama has weakened America, by design. He has filled his administration with known radicals, and Marxists. They are the Czars who are trying to regulate America into a third world republic.

Our motto is: "Dump the Chump in 2012."

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