Friday, December 2, 2011

NC Voters Wake UP!

What Happened?
The US Senate just passed SB 1867, known as the "National Defense Authorization Act". This bill NULLIFIES the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and your Miranda Rights. Under this legislation, you are not entitled to a trial by jury in a timely fashion. No, you can now be detained INDEFINITELY without ANY charges leveled against you. You will be treated like an enemy combatant. You will not be allowed a lawyer. All this power has been granted to the President of the United States. So if HE "thinks" that you are a terrorist or he doesn't like you, he can order the US military to arrest you. No one should be granted this much ABSOLUTE POWER.

Last time we checked, this was the definition of a POLICE STATE!

This bill was developed in secret meetings by Senator Carl Levin (D, MI) Chairman of the Armed Services Committee. It was not publicized and there was one Senator (Rand Paul R, TX) who tried to amend the portions that attack your rights and to defend the Constitution. These amendments were IGNORED and voted down!

Your Senators Votes
All these powers have been granted by your two Senators; Richard Burr (R) and Susan Hagan (D). Both voted against the amendment to protect your Miranda Rights and both voted to pass this ILLEGAL legislation!

Action To Take
Send each of them an early "Merry Christmas" and be sure and tell them both that they have betrayed their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. Also be sure and tell your friends and family how these Senators voted on this issue, and what it means to each American personally.

Their contact information is as follows:
Senator Richard Burr

Senator Kay Hagan

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