Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Documentary Recomendation

A Must View
There's a new documentary out that ALL Americans should view entitled: "Agenda - Grinding America Down." It was written and directed by John Bowers. It describes the drastic changes in American culture and how AND why we got them. It describes the Agenda that got where we are today and who is responsible for it. Here is a trailer that previews this documentary.

Is Communism dead? We all saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Communism died then - right? Well not exactly. It morphed.

America has been successfully under attack for years and years. This documentary shows the people and the groups that have targeted America's morality, culture, and freedom in their effort to literally grind America down to collapse our American way of life.

Unfortunately, you cannot rent this documentary. It has to be purchased! Here is the link to do so:

You owe it to yourselves and your family, to get a copy of this and share it with as many freedom living Americans as you can!

P.S. We receive no monetary benefit from this recommendation.

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