Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reason Why Incumbents Must Go

Complacent attitude
Congress passed the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which allows the military to detain Americans indefinitely without due process. This law strips away the First and Fifth Amendment rights granted tin the Constitution. In so doing, Congress brushed off their oath of office. Why?

Easy To Answer
Congress is giving the President of the United States more and more unilateral powers because they SHARE these ideas with President Obama! Hence, there was no challenge when Obama declared war in Libya without Congressional approval. It also explains why they NEVER challenge any of Obama's executive orders or unauthorized appointments like his 33 Czars.

The Reason Government Exists
Congress is so obsessed with their own power, that they have been too busy trying to get more and more of it and too busy to even notice what they are doing to America. Why even the newly elected Congressmen in the 2010 elections have been co-opted into thinking and voting like the Good-Old-Boys. It didn't take that long to fall into the crevasse.

No, our Congress has forgotten why they exist. They are there to protect all of us under the rights listed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They have been misdirected in becoming self-serving, greedy, power mongers.

Action To Take
Americans need to step forward and change this veil of tears to recover our freedoms. It's quite clear that Congress will never limit themselves or their power. We have to do it for them. It's for their own good. We need to instigate our own term limits on them.

When any Congressman has served more than three consecutive terms (6 years), they are earning the title of "Career Politician." They have to go! Incumbent HR reps with 6 years must be voted out of office. This includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. They all go.

Likewise, any US Senator who has served more than 6 years (One term), must also be voted out of office. Our Founders never wanted Senators to be elected by popular vote. No, the Progressives changed that in 1913 with a Constitutional amendment. We need to take-back what they did by dumping Senators after 6 years. Unfortunately, we have several Senators who have been in office for over 30 years. This is one of the main reasons why America is in such Debt trouble as it is.

In the 2012 elections, we all need to establish term limits on ALL incumbents. ALL! No exceptions. They have been there too long and are too corrupt. We must dump the Good-Old-Boys before they destroy America.

Once we clean house, we can get the "New" Congress to drop the fringe benefits for the retirees.

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