Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ILLEGALS - The Solution

Simple Plan
Politicians are always afraid of upsetting someone somewhere because of Political Correctness. We're not! Here is a simple plan that would resolve the ILLEGAL Alien problems here in America:
  • Close the borders immediately. Use the troops that we pull out of Afghanistan.

  • ILLEGALS must register and get a "RED ID Card" or RFID implant chip in order to remain in the USA as a "temporary worker" - including their off springs. They must carry their ID at all times. No Red Card or chip, then IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION.

  • Offspring born in America with one, or both parents who are ILLEGALS, are NOT automatically granted American citizenship and must have an RFID implant.

  • No ILLEGALS or their offspring are eligible for Free tuition and a free college education. Fine all those who violate this law $50,000/incident.

  • Unless life threatening, prohibit all medical treatments to ILLEGALS unless they have private insurance or work insurance.

  • No AMNESTY to any ILLEGALS under ANY circumstances.

  • ILLEGALS are not eligible for any Social Security - unless they have the required number of valid government credits.

  • Stop ALL Federal funding to "Sanctuary Cities."

  • Stop providing food stamps or any other welfare to ILLEGALS.

  • Fine employers $50,000/employee, who hires an ILLEGAL who does not have a valid RED Card ID or RFID chip.

  • Vehicles of ILLEGALS driving without a valid driver's license will become government property. This includes properly registered, but uninsured vehicles, as well.

  • ILLEGALS in possession of forged or counterfeit ID documents or RFID chips, will be imprisoned for no less than 5 years or face immediate deportation.

  • Persons counterfeiting RED Card IDs or RFID chips shall be imprisoned for no less than 10 years.

  • Illegals must learn to speak, read, and write English.

Action To Take
Any incumbent politician (DEM or GOP) who refuses to take action to prevent ILLEGAL ALIENS from entering or registering here in the USA should be voted out-of-office.

Progressives will argue that this solution lacks empathy or Social Justice. They're right! And, they can go blow it out their ass because it's fair for people who have broken our laws to get here!

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