Friday, January 27, 2012

Obama, Stop The LIES!

Liar Liar
It seems that the Food Stamp President (Obama) doesn't like the new label being properly and rightly attached to him. Today he's busy "spinning" a lie to try and throw the blame off his shoulders. Gee, that sounds familiar!

According to Obama "First of all, I don't put people on food stamps. People become eligible for food stamps. Second of all, the initial expansion of food-stamp eligibility happened under my Republican predecessor, not under me. Number three, when you have a disastrous economic crash that results in 8 million people losing their jobs, more people are going to need more support from government."

In other words: "It's not my fault, Bush did it!" This is a blatant lie. He's right that HE doesn't put people on food stamps, but HIS policies do. He promised that with TARP unemployment wouldn't go over 8%. He doesn't increase food stamp eligibility, but he IS responsible for the high unemployment numbers under his watch! Franky, he's dead-wrong that more people need to rely on the government, which is HIS goal! People need to become more independent and self-sufficient.

Obama IS the Food Stamp President and here's the facts to back it up.

Obama IS only president who has seen the largest increase in food stamps during HIS presidency. His own government statistics prove that he's lying! HIS failed policies are the reason for this increase and he refuses to be responsible for his own actions.

Obama's mismanagement (or no management), leading from behind, and total incompetence isn't enough. His narcissism makes it impossible for him to ever be adult enough to admit that he is the Food Stamp President!

Obama is DISHONEST and cannot be trusted. He's betraying and disrespecting Americans with his lack if integrity! He's a disgrace to the office! He's also a convincing liar, but the facts prove otherwise!

Obama has no honor and does not deserve to be the President.

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