Thursday, March 8, 2012

Prepping Is Evil

Ok For Big Government
In case you haven't noticed, it's all right for the government to have long-term food storage, Strategic Oil Reserves, stockpile of nuclear weapons, underground bunkers like Cheyenne Mountain, and that's reasonable and good. It's OK for the government to have a 20 year food supply, underground reservoirs, underground water storage and so on ad infinitum. It's OK for the government to be prepared for emergencies.

However, when the shoe is on the other foot, and you are the one who has an underground shelter, a storm shelter for hurricanes or tornadoes, firearms, and water and food storage, it is now considered by many (including big government) to be bazaar behavior. See the paraodox?

Homeland Security
If you haven't been following the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), you need some quick updates. Janet Napolatano's department issued a report warning that returning veterans are potential "Terrorists" as are any members or participants in the Tea Party movement. (The report ignores the OWS movement completely as a threat to the country). It also describes anyone that has food storage for several weeks or months also as potential "Terrorists."
Other bulletins issued by the FBI are directed at service repair people to notify the FBI of individuals who have reloading equipment, hoarding of food supplies, arsenals of guns or other weapons, or unusual water storage.

It's true that one of the government's main duties of to protect it's citizens. But isn't this going overboard in the WRONG DIRECTION?

Doomsday Preppers
There is a new TV show on NATGEO that is called "Doomsday Preppers." It shows various individuals who consider themselves "Preppers" for various reasons. Some go to extreme in their activities, but none are really "wackos." They show a typical prepper family and how they have prepared for a specific emergency. Then NATGEO rates their chances for survival by a panel of "experts." It's worth viewing because it shows several valid ideas on survival methods and things to consider during emergencies. Ironically, most people NEVER think about these things until it's too late!

Shift In Direction
So why the sudden interest in these activities? People in America are beginning to feel uncomfortable. They are beginning to recognize that the government can't protect them against disasters and national emergencies.

People are beginning to realize that it is THEIR responsibility to take care of their families and become self-reliant and NOT BIG GOVERNMENT! We learned that from the Katrina Hurricane disaster. What a concept!

Action To Take
If you get NATGEO on yout TV, watch a show and see if any of it makes sense. If you don't have it available, do a search on the Internet for "Preppers" or "Doomsday Preppers" and you will discover a wealth of information at your disposal.

It's better to become informed of e possibilities you may face in an emergency BEFORE it happens.

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