Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Illegal" Now Illegal

Progressives Now Want to Censor Definitions
Progressives want to BAN the word "ILLEGAL." This is not a joke. They want to censor it out of our language altogether!

To help clarify the problem, here is a definition for the word "illegal" from a few recognized sources:

  • Merriman-Webster definition of illegal = "not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit."
  • Houghton Mifflin definition of illegal = "Prohibited by law. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football. Noun: An illegal immigrant".
  • definition of illegal: "forbidden by law or statute. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc. The referee ruled that it was an illegal forward pass. Noun :  illegal alien"
Do you really need any more redundant examples to make the point?

Progressives Want To Change Everything
Progressives now want to change (that's an alias for CENSOR) the word "illegal" because it is "demeaning to undocumented workers who are just here to work and lead productive lives." That's pure BULL and we all know it and recognize that this is Political Correctness out-of-control.

Whenever a Progressive wants to "soften" a subject or to hide it for what it REALLY IS, they re-name it or in this example, try and ban it altogether. In the case of American history, they try and often successfully re-write it. Case in point, Progressives recently tried to ABOLISH all AMERICAN History in history books prior to 1800. This would leave-out the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers.

Recognize this for what it is - pure Progressivism at the expense of AMERICANISM! They want to abolish American traditions, American History, and now basic definitions for words that do NOT fit-in with their line of thinking or political orientation.

Action To Take
Raise you voices loud and clear. Stop this CENSORSHIP and call Progressives on it. We won't tolerate their Totalitarian way of life - nor should we. If they don't like American and can't stand it, they are the ones who should leave - not re-define it! The word ILLEGAL is NOT RACIST and frankly we are getting rather PISSED OFF with the usual BS coming from Progressives!

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