Sunday, April 22, 2012

Obama-The Best Gun Salesman


There has been a 61% increase in gun sales since 2008 (before Obama was in office). In a recent survey released last Thursday, the National Shooting Sports Foundation reported that the overall economic impact is up from $19 BILLION in 2008 to $31 BILLION presently. These numbers include sales, taxes and jobs created by gun sales.

The number of jobs in the gun industry have increased by just over 30% to almost 99,000. Firearm businesses paid a whopping $ 2.5 BILLION in federal taxes during this time frame. That's an increase if 66% in just three years!

Reasons For The Numbers

Americans fear that Obama will continue tightening gun control laws - especially if he is re-elected! This created a domino affect and explains the skyrocketing numbers being recorded THIS YEAR in gun sales. These are not just rumours either. The American public is aware that President Obama and Hilary Clinton are working jointly through the United Nations to drum-up an international "treaty" that in affect, would ban all privately owned guns world-wide. This would dissolve the US Constitution and pretty much give up American sovereignty to the UN.

No wonder there's a sharp increase in firearms this year and the past three years under the Obama Administration!

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