Saturday, April 21, 2012


What Does a Marxist Look Like?
Try Nancy Pelosi on for size! She wants to limit the First Amendment! That's right, Nancy Pelosi wants to change the Constitution to limit FREE SPEECH. She and her cohearts are proposing changing the First Amendment to allow government "regulation" of Corporate Speech. Nancy and her fellow MARXISTS want to limit FREE SPEECH!

We can't make this stuff up.

The Marxists are crawling out of the woodwork and telling us just how they want to "Fundamentally Change America" and they have no bones about it!
Why aren't Americans showing ANY OUTRAGE?

Proposed Legislation
The latest MARXIST legislation considers thousands of websites, newspapers, think tanks and political action committees to be "corporations" that need government censorship! All this in spite of the fact that the Supreme Court has already ruled that free speech of corporations is protected under the First Amendment!

MARXIST Pelosi wants to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling. But she doesn't stop there. She and her fellow "buddies" want to "regulate" (euphemism for CENSOR or to Silence) any opposition to THEIR opinions. So if you disagree with them, you will be silenced under HER new law!

Action To Take
Tell Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Progressives, Liberals, Communists or whatever they want to call themselves nowadays to GO SCREW!

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