Wednesday, March 13, 2013


We don't have an honest man in the White House. He lacks integrity and can NEVER take responsibility for his behavior. He proves it every time he opens his mouth. Obama is a habitual liar.

President Obama is a petty man. He pouts when he doesn't get his own way. He lied about Sequestration. He told the American public that it was the Republicans who conceived that idea. That was a LIE. It was HIS idea. Meanwhile he described doomsday if sequestration was allowed to happen. The government would fall apart. The American public found-out that he lied and now he's embarrassed. He was caught lying trying to blame the Republicans for his bad idea. He doesn't like that and he's now playing politics again.

A memo from the White House to the Department of Agriculture (DA) made it clear that Obama is getting even. He's going to use sequestration to cut things that hurt Americans. The memo directs the DA to implement the sequestration cuts and "make the cuts as painful as possible." Judge Anthony Napolitano claims that this act IS an impeachable act. Where is our Congress when we need them?

His childish ways are exemplified by HIS closing the White House tours to the American public. That's his way of making the Sequestration as "painful as possible." He closed-down all public White House tours to be spiteful. What a big baby. This is narcissism at its best.

The reaction from Americans has been unanimous. They claim that the White House is THEIR house and that he should cut-back somewhere else. Now his job approval rating is dropping like a lead balloon. Rightly so.

Obama's response? Now he's lying again! Obama is saying that closing the White House tours wasn't HIS idea. No, it was the Secret Service's idea.

Wait a minute. Does that make ANY sense? Since when does the Secret Service make ANY political decisions? When do they set the policy of this administration? The Secret Service is only chartered to protect the President.

The Secret Service does NOT set White House policy.  Obama is caught in ANOTHER lie.

We are seeing a dishonest man always trying to blame someone else when HE screws-up. That's petty and no "quality" of a leader.

We deserve better. We all need to let him know of our disappointment. Hold HIM accountable for HIS actions.

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