Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Unbiased Justice

As you know there is a Supreme Court vacancy and Sonia Sotomayor has been nominated for the position. Whoever fills this position will be appointed for "life". She can make a big difference in just how the Constitution is interpreted.

As a Second Circuit Court justice she earned a reputation as being an activist judge. What exactly does that mean?

It means that her career illustrates by example that she resolves legal issues by discriminating against white males in order to bring about an "equality" of rewards in society.

She has never flinched in asking for ethnic and gender preferences while climbing the career ladder. That's how she was admitted to law school.

Her rulings leave much to be desired. For example, she ruled that New York State denied convicted felons in prison their civil rights by denying them to vote. Hence, denying convicts the right to vote has a disparate affect on those minorities. Hello, they ARE in PRISON for punishment!!! Most recently, the Supreme Court ruled against her decision because she discriminated against firefighters when she denied them promotions.

She has had six (6) of her court rulings go to the Supreme Court. Four of her rulings were overturned! Off hand, that's not a very good record for a judge.

What You Should Do

Use this link for the US Senate. Look up the email address for your Senators. Compose a brief email to each one and tell them not to confirm her nomination. Simply, "Vote NO on the Sotomayor confirmation."

1 comment:

  1. You're right that Judge S. has made some alarming statements that seem to suggest that she favors minorities. This is very disturbing to me too.

    But this statement is misleading:

    "She has had six (6) of her court rulings go to the Supreme Court. Four of her rulings were overturned! Off hand, that's not a very good record for a judge."

    The actual facts are that she ruled in 232 appellate cases. Of those, 6 were reviewed and 4 were overturned as you correctly mentioned.

    So, 4 out of 232 decisions means she was overturned 1.3% of the time, not 60% of the time as your quote suggests.

    Don't take this to mean that I think she should be appointed. I just believe that if you publish numbers, they need to be the REAL numbers, not "spun" to fit your own views.
