Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Voting Types/Political Spectrum

OK so there’s been a lot of names dropped regarding various groups here in the United States. As you know voters have been called many names based on the support or opposition to the current administration.

Today we take a brief and simple look at voting types. Here is a diagram to illustrate:

A Libertarian believes that an individual has the right to act according to their own will. The less government control over their lives – the better. Government action with the individual should be consensual. People have absolute powers over their own lives. They should be free to do whatever they want to do provided they allow others the same liberty. So if they want to smoke pot, they can.

Liberals main target is towards the development of individual freedom. Liberalism has the basic belief in human goodness and in human rationality. It assumes that people being rational, have the ability to recognize problems and solve them achieving a systematic improvement in the human condition. They also believe that the government should be responsible for providing the minimum conditions for decent individual existence. Liberalism believes in the welfare state, social reform, racial integration, sex equality and the elimination of poverty.

The Centrist has the political philosophy of avoiding the extremes of both the right and left by taking a moderate position. They assume that there are two opposite poles in the political spectrum. The Centrists tries to maintain a position in the middle of these extremes. Hence they are in the middle of the diagram.

The Conservative believes in maintaining the existing or traditional order of the status quo. They give strong regard to emphasizing respect for traditional institutions. Conservatives emphasize views of social units such as the family, church, or locale. They distrust government activism. They oppose any sudden changes to the established order of things. Conservatives support capitalism and free markets.

The Statist believes in the theory or practice of concentrating the economic and political power in the state. The Statist likes a centralized government to control economic planning and policy. This results in a weak position for the individual or the community. Sovereignty is vested not in the people, but in the state. Individuals exist only to enhance the power, prestige, and well-being of the state. Statism reached it’s highest points as Fascist and Marxist states like Germany, Russia, and China.

So where do you fall?

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