Sunday, December 27, 2009

Re-funding Jobless Funds?

Our Congress is once again thinking of re-funding the unemployment funds. We REALLY need to ask ourselves "Is this a good idea?"

Sounds heartless, but before you jump to conclusions, hear this out. We are a nation of caring individuals. We always step-up and help deserving people when they are in trouble and need assistance. More than 25 states are running out of unemployment insurance funds and are seeking Federal government help. Many analysts believe that if bailed out, it won't have a long lasting impact on state coffers. That's because typical employers pay into a state insurance fund through a payroll tax and eventually replenish these trust funds.

In direct conflict with this idea most agree that this is not a good thing to do when the unemployment rate is over 10 %. Raising taxes at a time when no one can afford it is self-defeating.

What no one talks about is the fact that by extending benefits, people may become lazy and stop job hunting altogether. Why job hunt in this economy when you can expect a check every week?

A moral dilemma. This blogger has unemployed family members who have no unemployment benefits and they have sought-out creative means for survival. They do part-time work whenever possible. They do bartering for the necessities. Trading services for others. It's working! They are not living in the street. It's not fun, but it's doable.

If they can do it, why not the rest of the unemployed? Is it worth trying?