Friday, January 1, 2010

Slow to Respond Sound Familiar?

During the early days of the Bush administration we suffered unprecedented terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. President Bush (R, TX) was at a school speaking with children when he was first told of the attacks. He was strongly criticized by the left for not responding quickly. Why even Michael Moore made a point of it in his movie Fahrenheit 911. He tried to make the President look like he didn’t care or was stupid for not responding by leaving immediately.

Now we have a similar situation with a little twist. We have President Obama (D, IL) in office. First, he took over 4 months to respond to his general regarding a request for more troops. The latest is when he was on vacation in Hawaii when the news came of the terrorist bomber attempt to bring down a US airliner. Ironically, it took Obama four days to respond to it as a “Catastrophic Event”! He continued his vacation after a few lame responses being too busy playing golf, playing tennis, and not interrupting his second family vacation since taking office in January last year! What’s the difference here?

Apparently, if you are a Democratic President you cannot do anything wrong by not responding to another American disaster. Unfortunately, this is the THIRD (3rd) attack on American soil by terrorists since Obama took office less than a year ago. Does that make Americans feel save and secure? Hardly!

Early after the failed attack attempt, the White House supported Janet Napolatano – (Director of Homeland Security), when she said that the “system was working.” Americans were shocked to see that the White House was either oblivious to the attack or just plain stupid in their support of an idiot’s statement.

It took 24 hours for the White House to wake-up and have Napolatano reverse her position. Wow. If this had been a George Bush administration fiasco, the press would be crucifying him on page one every day!

How long before the next impending terrorist crisis? Our enemies are learning that the lag time between events and the response is way too slow for American safety. That’s a BIG weakness and we can thank president Obama for it!

Obama’s policies towards "Terrorists" (sorry, strike that word, he refuses to use it) “suspects” are a failure. Americans are NOT safe under his watch. He has ignored the public’s fears and has done NOTHING to reassure Americans that National Security is a high priority. He’s too busy pushing his domestic left-wing agendas instead.

Action To Take
Let the White House know that you are upset with Obama’s slow response. Let them also know that his responses were weak and need to show strength.