Monday, December 28, 2009

We Need REAL Jobs

We have tried the "Shovel Ready Jobs" approach and look what it got us! The highest unemployment rate in 30 years. Does this give you a lot of confidence in the government promises? Wake up, it shouldn't. To add insult to injury, the bulk of the Stimulus won't be spent until just before the 2010 elections. Gee, what a coincidence!

History tells us that infrastructure spending will not revive the economy - it never has. It didn't work 76 years ago under FDR. It took World War II to stop the Great Depression.

Congress keeps repeating bad history over and over again. This time under the "leadership" of President Obama. The House of Representatives just passed a $154 Billion jobs bill to help our unemployed. Wasn't that what the Stimulus was all about? Obama just announced that he will take the returned "loan" money from TARP and re-spend $50 Billion to create "shovel ready green jobs." This is just more infrastructure jobs in disguise. They just don't learn now do they? Besides, the TARP money was a loan - not the President's personal slush fund to do whatever he wants. It's OUR tax dollars and they should be applied towards the national deficit instead of this. He has no right to do this. Why doesn't someone speak out?

We need to try something different. This is the technology age. Construction jobs won't save the economy. We need to manufacture and produce goods in America - Not in China, India, or Malaysia. We need to create technology jobs using fiber optics and the latest microchips. Unfortunately, the administration is still thinking in the "Dark Ages." We need to stop the job losses to third world countries.