Sunday, March 7, 2010

Census Department Invasion?

The Census Bureau now seems to think that we as US citizens are required to provide them with personal sensitive information. The Constitution grants the government the authority to count the number of people living in a specific area. They then use this information to determine the number if representatives a state may have based on the population numbers.

However, it seems like this administration has taken a giant step into YOUR privacy. This year's census will now ask for the following types of information:

  • What disabilities do you have? - ObamaCare needs to know for better estimates in their takeover of YOUR healthcare.

  • How much income you receive - They already have this information at the IRS.

  • Where do you get your income from? - Do you earn it or get it from the government? They'll tax you later if you earn it.

  • What are your housing costs? - They need to know so they can figure the value of YOUR property - before they take it.

  • How many cars do you own? - They will tax you for having more than one in the future.

  • How much do you pay for insurance? They need this to help expand government healthcare.

  • Do you receive food stamps? They should already know this if you are.

  • How much do you pay for utilities? They need a baseline so they can tax you for your overusage later after Cap & Trade becomes law.
Would you tell these things to a stranger? Aren't they a stranger? A clipboard and ID from the Census bureau still makes them a stranger. Is this information REALLY for the census? Who is going to have access to it?

What proof of authorization do they have demanding this detailed information? We need to let the government know that we know they are NOT authorized to demand our cooperation in their devised scheme to gather this information. If they claim that they do have authorization to gather this information, show them a copy of the Constitution. Ask them to show you the part that authorizes them to demand getting private information from you. It's not there.

Questions to Ask the Census Bureau

Here are some questions to Ask the Census Bureau:

1. Where does the Census Bureau derive the authority to demand private information?

2. Is there any limit to my invasion of privacy? Is there any limit to the amount and type of information that the Census Bureau may collect?

Note: The Fourth Ammendment prohibits government search and seizure of private information without a court warrent, based on probable cause. Current census policies violate this ammendment.

3. Do current levels of data violate the Fourth Ammendment?

4. By what Constitutional authority does the Census Bureau threaten penalties for failure to provide personal information? How may we be penalized for maintaining our privacy?

5. The Census Bureau claims it maintains provides privacy of personal information. Are there any circumstances that law enforcement or spy agencies can access census information? Can security agencies access my private information?

6. Since presumably census data can be subpoenaed by law enforcement agencies, may individuals refuse to answer questions - according to the fifth Ammendment? May I take the fifth?

7. Why has the Census Bureau decided to take GPS data coordinates? How will my GPS coordinates be used?

8. Virtually every government database has either been lost, hacked, or compromised. With the census Bureau's claim of data security not be an outright lie? How can the Census Bureau claim data security with any confidence?

9. How would the Census Bureau locate, protect, and compensate, those individuals whose data becomes compromised? Is the Census Bureau responsible for mishandled data?

Good luck. Provide your name and number of adults and children living in your home. Nothing more.