Friday, June 18, 2010

What is Incompetence?

We have a clear-cut example of incompetence in the White House. President O'Bungle-It proves it every day of the week. He's great at pointing the finger to try and deflect the blame for the botched Gulf clean-up. I guess that's what community organizers do - NOT Presidents! But as he said, He's in charge and the blame goes to him.

After his speech the other night,it's clear that he has bigger fish to fry. He could give a care about stopping the oil leak. All of HIS attention is being directed to Green Energy conversion from oil. He ignored the fact that he has NO plan whatsoever on how to make the transition from oil to Green Energy. Once again he's clueless.

What he needed was another "emergency" so he could justify JAMMING another piece of unpopular legislation down our throats (Cap & Trade).

As a leader, Obama is incompetent. Congress better wake up and stop supporting his outrageous agenda for the Transformation of America into a Fascist State with total government control over everything. If you think this is science fiction, you'd better look at how much control BIG Government now has after the passing of ObamaCare. The Fed controls 60% of our economy! 60% and that's NOT enough for Obama and his Progressive radical cronies.

Action To Take
Throw the Progressives out of office in November (both DEMs and GOPs). If ANY Senator has been in office more than 12 years, they are a "career politician." If a Congressman has been in office more than 4 years - they are a career politician. Vote-out ALL career politicians and get rid of the corruption in Washington.

And most important: In 2012, vote-out Obama. He is PATHETIC, in over his head, and is trying to destroy America!

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