Friday, September 24, 2010

A Must Watch Video

The Obama Deception
by Alex Jones, 122 minutes

This is a provocative documentary that postulates disturbing evidence that Obama and previous presidents have been PR people for a larger world-wide global movement. This film raises some serious questions about the involvement of our government's top positions with this movement. Current trends do in fact, lend to the idea that the current administration is striving for a "Global Government."

Key Factors
We know that economics ties the entire plant together under one roof. There is a global economy and we are an active part of it. International banks are taking a more active role in world politics. All purchases go through the banking system. This includes real estate, funding for wars, and all forms of commerce.

Here in the United States we have seen our politicians fund massive bailouts for our banking systems, insurance institutes, and credit companies. They have forced new regulations on Wall Street (at taxpayer's expense) and gained stronger control over our economic activities. All of this for the stated purpose of saving us from "disaster".

Secret Global Organizations
Are you aware that there is a secret global organization of billionaires called the Builderbergs? What is their intended purpose? Is Obama a member? There may be evidence that he is a member. Are the members of the Builderbergs in control of our politicians? Does this explain our current state of our government?

The Federal Reserve
Are you aware that Congress gave up all their power to regulate our currency in 1913 to the newly created bureaucracy called the Federal Reserve? Did you know that the Federal Reserve is composed of private banks that are NOT accountable to the US government? We have never seen an audit. Mysteriously they recently "lost" (cannot account for) several TRILLION dollars of TARP money.

Why You Need To Watch This Video
If you have an open mind, you will enjoy this documentary. It raises a lot of questions that may explain why we have so much corruption in our current Federal government. Is it possible that corrupt bankers over the course of almost 100 years taken control over America? Can we stop it from happening? Watch and find out!

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