Sunday, November 21, 2010

Screw the 4th Amendment

What It Says
The Fourth Amendment states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Government Abuse

Question: So why are our God given rights being abused and taken away from us by the government at the airports?

Ask anyone who travels by plane and they will have some true horror stories to tell you about their experiences at the airport. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is led and directed by a bureaucrat in Washington. This official was NEVER elected but rather appointed to this position. Now he is mandating what goes on at airports across the USA. HUH? Who died and put this JERK in charge of YOUR lives? How and when did this individual decide that YOU have no right to privacy? Where is the probable cause?

The government must show that these detentions are "Reasonable." There is no warrant issued before these searches occur. So what justification does the government have to perform these egregious acts? They don't. This is NOT reasonable search.

Why are they treating everyone like criminals? As exemptions appear (now pilots are exempt), this situation no longer remains a random or arbitrary act by TSA agents. Searching that invades a person's personal integrity cannot be made as a fishing expedition to acquire evidence. Isn't that what's going on here? They're breaking the law of the land. Besides, TSA has NEVER prevented a TERRORIST ACT YET. They don't even scan packages!!!

Common Sense
Why is the government doing this? For Safety at the expense of Freedoms? This isn't a good trade. There are other means that achieve TERRORIST-free air travel. Look at Israel's air travel record. They achieve TERRORIST-free flying without the use of search and seizure. Profiling does work. Why not use it instead of destroying freedom?

Action To Take
Demand that the government HALT these illegal searches and violation of personal privacy immediately.

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