Monday, January 31, 2011

Cutting Military Spending

A Strong Defense
Are you aware that the US military spends an excessive amount of money keeping troops in foreign countries? Why?

Currently we have the following troops deployed:
  • 48,000 in Iraq
  • 50,000 in Germany
  • 30,000 in Japan
  • 10,000 in England
  • 30,000 in South Korea

Why? Why can't these countries defend themselves? Why do we have to have a troop presence there? Why are we footing their bills for protection?

International Police
We don't have to be involved in every quarrel around the world. We ARE NOT the International Police Force! For the past 30 years or so, we have become this International Police Force. This explains why people from around the globe HATE America! We stick our nose into business that has nothing to do with our National Defense.

In the beginning of this country we created a standing army for the sole purpose of National Defense - nothing more. George Washington realized that we could not become involved in other countries disputes UNLESS they were directly a threat to the United States!

Look where it is today! Now we fight undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which is unconstitutional. Congress has never issued a declaration of war on either of these nations and yet we are dying and fighting over there. Instead, we are fighting unlimited wars with strict rules of engagement - not rules for winning. These wars are being directed by politicians at tremendous monetary cost, and they waste blood and human treasure. Why? Because it's politically correct not to cause collateral damage? This is just stupid!

Military Cuts in Spending
It's time to get out of the World Police business and get back to the National Defense business. We can cut military spending - not by eliminating what our troops need, but by bringing our troops home. Instead of "protecting" foreign countries, we should be protecting our own borders from the invasion taking place on a daily basis. Japan, Germany, England, South Korea have their own armies. They can protect themselves. Get our troops out of there immediately. This will save Billions of dollars that we don't have and have to borrow!

As for Iraq and Afghanistan, these wars are in violation to the Constitution. They are undeclared wars that are against the rule of law. Congress has NEVER issued a declaration of war in either situation. So why are we still there? The reasons cited in both cases have proven to be faulty or incorrect. They no longer can be considered a direct threat to our national security. Our being there only makes matters worse. Besides, we are not fighting to win. Our soldiers have to follow strict protocols as to when to shoot and when not to shoot. That's the dumbest thing ever. Why endanger our troops for people who don't even want us meddling with their affairs? We've wasted enough blood and MONEY with poor results at best. We don't even have clear objectives for either of these Wars. What were the objectives, and what are they now? We still don't know.

Get out of these foreign countries. Bring the troops home and put them on our borders. We can save tons of money (and American lives) and make America safer.

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