Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Reason to Disban The EPA

EPA Is Over-regulating Our Lives
More proof that this administration is bent on over-regulating your lives into oblivion is the latest proposed ban coming from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Because of the administration's agreement with other nations to stop using substances that deplete the ozone layer, asthma sufferers will loose one of their medications for treatment - the over-the-counter epinephrine inhalers.

Is This REALLY Necessary?
Has the EPA done any studies to verify that these particular inhalers actually are a serious cause of ozone depletion? NO they haven't. Recall that the EPA is now regulating Carbon Dioxide (C02) because it too is "bad" for the ozone layer of the planet. Remember from Biology that we (as human beings), exhale C02. So when will the EPA begin fining humans for producing it? God only knows, but you get the point! The EPA under Obama is regulating our lives to an unreasonable extent. Thanks in part to Cass Sustein, the Regulatory Czar.

Regulatory Czar Cass Sustein

Remember this guy because he's pushing these new regulations coming from the White House. He's an enemy to freedom. He authored the book "Nudge" which details how to manipulate people into behavior YOU want - not what THEY want.

Action To Take
SCREAM loudly and let politicians know that you object to the EPA INSANITY to save the planet. Unless they can prove that we as humans using inhalers is destroying our planet, they need to get a life! And, as a further point, why should we let other nations tell us what we can and cannot do for medications?

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