Sunday, September 18, 2011

Solyndra Won't Go Away

Obama's SolarGate
We should all be asking questions about how and why Solyndra received government loans in access of $500,000,000 dollars. It seems that no one in the White House knows anything about the whole thing. That's hard to believe since Obama's staff helped push-through these outrageous loans to a failing company.

What Hasn't Hit the News
Even though Solyndra was a bad risk, Obama helped them get government loans. Ironic and probably just a coincidence that the CEO of that company donated BIG money to Obama's Presidential campaign. It's funny how that works. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Smells like political corruption with big money.

However, the Lame Stream News isn't reporting much about the whole affair because their buddy in the White House is behind it. No, the Lame Stream media forgot to tell you that after Solyndra received 1/2 a BILLION of taxpayer money, they asked for even more. It's not clear to date whether they received a second federal loan for an additional $469 MILLION dollars.

It's also ironic that Obama's Department of Energy refuses to respond to enquiries about the second loan and they refuse to make any comments regarding it. Isn't it strange that the government can fast-track loans for 1/2 Billion dollars and then can't seem to provide any details about how or when federal monies were spent?

Special Prosecutor
It's clear that Obama is not afraid to hamper investigations. He's doing it with the Gun deal with Mexican cartels. Eric Holder's office is ignoring Congressional subpoenas so why not get quiet about the new scandal involving up to and perhaps over $1 Billion taxpayer dollars. This STINKS of government corruption and a government cover-up.

We need to demand a Special Prosecutor to investigate both of these scandals. If Obamahas nothing to hide, he should cooperate. Otherwise, we need to demand a special prosecutor.

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