Monday, October 3, 2011

Feel the Momemtum

Cain is Surging
You can see it. You can feel it. Herman Cain is gaining momentum in the Presidential race. Why? His message is resonating with voters and more are realizing that he really can be elected. He gets it! He speaks for the heartland of this country. He SOUNDS LIKE AN AMERICAN. Now that's a change we can believe in.

His Positions - in Brief
Where does Cain stand on the BIG issues? Here are his positions summarized:

  • National Security-The primary duty of the President of the United States is to protect our people with a limited federal government. National security isn’t about politics. It’s about defending America. Further, we must stand by our friends and we must not be fooled by our enemies. We should never be deceived by terrorists.

  • The Economy-The role of the federal government should be to encourage economic growth by ensuring conditions that will allow businesses to thrive, not just survive. The federal government does NOT create jobs. That means less legislation, less regulation, lower taxes and business-friendly policies.

  • Spending-Government spending is out of control. And we the people will not tolerate it any longer. We will eliminate some of our entitlement programs. Nothing should be off the table. Every federal agency, every government program and expenditure must be reviewed and revised.

  • Energy-Liberals continue to perpetuate the misunderstanding that the high energy consumption of a thriving nation and conservation of our precious planet are at odds with one another. Subsidies on agricultural products, like ethanol-producing corn, have become a mechanism for the government to pick and choose industries it favors, while doing little to enhance our ability to harness real alternative energy resources. Instead, we must allow all forms of energy the ability to develop in a free market system.

  • Healthcare-Abolish ObamaCare. President Obama and Congressional Liberals have dismantled the free market health care system and replaced it with health care “deform.” They have passed measures that compromise the sacred patient-doctor relationship, eliminate patient choice, stick a bureaucrat in the examining room, ration care and do nothing to limit frivolous lawsuits that drive up the cost of health care. In all of these provisions, they made health care more expensive and less accessible for American families they claimed to protect.

  • Immigration-Illegal immigration puts a tremendous strain on America’s entitlement and health care systems. Illegal immigrants are typically uninsured and cannot afford to pay for their medical care. We must secure our borders, enforce our laws and promote the existing path to citizenship. Protecting our nation’s sovereignty should be a paramount concern and not an afterthought or a reaction once the problem becomes even worse.

  • Entitlements-Big government enthusiasts designed social programs to provide a financial safety net, but, in turn, dependency on the government for the most vulnerable in society became an expected entitlement. Decades since their inception, far too many Americans have shifted their expectations from government assistance to entitlement. Too many people have exchanged their freedom for a false sense of security. It is time to admit the mistakes, and get the federal government out of the way. This will allow states, cities, churches, charities and businesses to offer a helping hand instead of a handout where they live. People closest to the problems are the best ones to solve the problems effectively.

  • Regulations-The federal government has amassed incredible amounts of control through its ability to regulate everything from emissions to food to businesses. Some regulation is necessary to protect American consumers and taxpayers, but excessive regulation has driven up the price of the goods and services. Cutting regulations would be an immediate boost for our weakened economy. It would signal to businesses and investors that the government intends to maintain conditions that allow for them to thrive, not to bog them down with additional costs they must inevitably pass on to their consumers. The free market, aided in part by the watchful eyes of investors and consumers, will regulate itself.

  • Education-Unfortunately, education has become weighed down with administration that has shifted the focus from educating students to maintaining an excessive level of bureaucracy through expanded unionization and regulation. It’s time to unbundle education from the federal government down to the local level. Expand school vouchers and charter schools.

  • Faith and Family-Our Founding Fathers recognized a higher power in the formation of this nation when they said in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal and that they are “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” It was no accident that in some of our earlier years as a free and independent nation that our leaders added “In God We Trust” to all of our currency.

Why Pundits Don't Want Cain
The pundits who always place Herman Cain at the back of the pack do so for one reason. They are afraid of him! A conservative Black man? REALLY? Oh yes, REALLY!

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