Sunday, October 2, 2011


New Reality Show
Ok, you just inherited $3.5 TRILLION dollars (after taxes). How quickly could you spend it all? Seriously, how long would it take you to blow $3.5 TRILLION? Do you think you could spend it all in in 34 months? We know someone who has.

This is the new "reality show" that we have created in the November 2008 elections.

Stimulus "Shimulus"
Well one of the first ways of blowing $3.5 trillion would be to create some sort of "emergency" that would need immediate attention. Something like a housing and banking crisis. If that happened, you could easily throw over a TRILLION at it and no one would complain or be upset because you would be "solving" the problem. Hence, the Fannie and Freddie fiasco. Brilliant!

Nationalize & Take-Over
Another way of spending huge amounts of money would be to come to the "rescue" of the automobile industry, saving thousands of American jobs. You could dump BILLIONS into this and come-out looking like a Hero. While you're at it, you could SCREW investors and protect your Union buddies while Nationalizing the automobile industry. Wow, that's killing more than two birds at a time! Not only would you "Save" the car companies, but you could also OWN THEM too. Then you could have your illegally appointed "Czars" hire and fire CEOs and regulate their salaries as well. Genius!

After taking care of the "Big Guys who contributed to your campaign, you could focus your attention to the little twerps in America - it's citizens. You could institute a Cash - 4 - Clunkers program to get Americans to buy cars and trucks from your newly acquired automobile companies. This could easily cost BILLIONS more. Great Idea, go for it!

More Bailouts
Hey the bailouts were popular, so let's try them again. This time we can help the people should never have been given a mortgage in the first place (thanks to Barny Frank and Chris Dodd - who actually caused the collapse of the Mortgage and Housing industry) by giving them a TRILLION in mortgage bailouts to people who cannot afford to buy a house in the first place. Damn, we're on a roll!

Cap & Trade
Too bad Congress wouldn't or couldn't pass Cap & Trade. This would have allowed energy rates to skyrocket, and give you the chance to "invest" in alternate energy projects like solar and wind power. They have been disastrous endeavours in Spain where they went bankrupt doing so while destroying 2.5 jobs for every "green job" created. You could literally spend BILLIONS and BILLIONS developing "new sources" of power while destroying coal-fired electrical plants. You could also destroy and collapse the entire coal reserves (biggest in the world).

Never mind, we don't need Congress to do all that. We can get the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to "regulate" energy and pollutants and accomplish the same thing without pesky Congress! Splendid! Go For IT!!

How many wars can the USA actually fight at one time? If we stretch it, maybe 5 at the same time! Yeah, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen. We can spend a ton of money doing that! Forget pulling out. The longer the better. Meanwhile we could also piss-off the entire Muslim world by occupying their countries for the sake of "freedom and Democracy." We could call it the "Arab Spring."

Solar Energy
Using the guise of becoming energy independent, we could "invest" BILLIONS in risky solar companies like Solyndra, First Solar, SolarReserve, SunPower Corporation, and several others. This could easily piss-away well over a TRILLION! While we're at it, we could give kick-backs to our political friends at those companies and make everybody happy! Great Idea.

And On and On and On...
After 34 months we could have blown $3.5 trillion and then go to Congress and ask for another $1.5 trillion for another Stimulus. Only this time, we cannot call it stimulus because that is a dirty word now because it didn't create ANY jobs. Hey, let's call it the "JOBS PLAN" instead. Superb idea!

Quite A Show
After 34 months we have seen this "reality show" play-out in front of our very eyes. Congressman Allan West (R, FL) has come out and called Obama a "Marxist" and a "Socialist who is trying to collapse America". Some people are getting the picture clearly! Are you??

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