Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Obama Surrenders to Russia!

Treason Defined
Treason is a crime that undermines the offender's own government. It is an act of disloyalty or subversive behavior towards your own country. It is an act of deliberate betrayal. It is more than a high crime or misdemeanor. Treason is a gross retaliation against your own nation and people!

Did Obama commit treason?

Capitulation to the Russians?
On Tuesday did Obama promise to give up-our strategic defensive missile shield to the Russians without getting anything in return? During a conversation with Russian President Dmitry Mededev, President Obama thought that his microphone was turned off. It wasn't and he told the Russian that after his (assumed) re-election he would have more "space" and "flexibility" on the missile defense issue. (The Russians want us to eliminate our missile shields altogether). Does that mean that he's accidentally tipped his foreign policy hand to the American public? Is he weakening America's national defense by eliminating our missile defense program? Is this Obama's "hidden agenda?" was that promise an act of TREASON?

One Thing For Sure
Americans should take this situation to heart. First, they should observe that the Main Stream Media (MSM) didn't even report this as an important thing. They passed it by like an every day occurrence. When FOX News blasted it out, Obama tried to fudge-over his gaff. This in itself shows that we cannot TRUST the MSM for ANY factual reporting. Second, this should pop-up a red warning flag to Americans who believe that this may have been much more serious than what Obama is trying to spin it.

Questions To Ask
Here are a few thoughts you should consider:
  • Do you still trust the MSM to report the news?

  • Is President Obama making consessions to the Russians regarding collapsing our missile defense program?

  • Why would Obama want to eliminate our missile defenses? What does he have against it?

  • How can Obama assume so confidently that he will be re-elected? What does he know that we don't?

  • Does Obama have a hidden agenda that he does not tell the American citizens?

  • Why is Obama making promises to our enemies?

  • Can we still trust President Obama?

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