Thursday, March 29, 2012

Obama's Solution To Unemployment

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We all know that Big Government does NOT create jobs - even though the Obama administration claims and brags that they do. In fact, Obama's policies and regulations have done much to keep the high unemployment numbers going.

In Obama's latest attempt to try and make our youth feel good about themselves, he has come up with a new solution for their high unemployment numbers. Remember that the people under the age of 25 are facing the highest unemployment in the nation, somewhere over 25-30%.

Obama's Solution
Obama is telling our unemployed youth that if they can't find work that they can come and volunteer to work (for free) on HIS campaign! How's that for sensitivity and understanding? It kinda misses the whole point of working. Yeah, since you're sitting at home doing nothing, you may as well work for free on his presidential campaign.

So let's get this right. He's telling the young people to stop getting their free stuff (if any) to come and work for nothing for him. Wow, that sounds like a win-loose in his favor!

Obama is not only insulting, he's clueless!

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