Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reason To Drop The EPA

Obama's Czar - The Regulator
The unprecedented nomination of 38 non-Congress vetted Czars included one who was the most important. His name is Cass Sustein.

Sustein is the Regulatory Czar. His official title is "Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs." Although working full-time for President Obama, Sustein still teaches part-time as a visiting professor at the University of Chicago.

Obama appointed Sustein to this newly made-up position without typical Congressional approval. This was done in-part because Sustein would not have passed full muster by Congress because of his highly controversial political and academic views.

Sustein has written many controversial books including the following in chronological order:

After the Rights Revolution, The Partial Constitution, Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict, Free Markets and Social Justice, One Case at a Time, Risk and Reason, Why Societies Need Dissent, Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle, Radicals in Robes: Why Extreme Right-Wing Courts Are Wrong for America, Are Judges Political? An Empirical Analysis of the Federal Judiciary, Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

The Manipulation
The last book "Nudge" describes how to modify human behavior by using the technique of slowly over "regulating" people into following the direction YOU want them to move. Using this technique, you slowly force people to change their behavior in YOUR direction; For example: Make people stop using gasoline by causing energy prices to skyrocket. This is psychological manipulation - and behavior modification at a subliminal level! Obama liked this so well that he is now using these techniques to "modify" the behavior of the America public.

Bottom Line
What's the underlying message here? Americans are deliberately being manipulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (under the help of Cass Sustein) to stop using coal, natural gas, and oil as their main sources of energy. Those that still do, are being charged much higher prices for that energy than ever before. This is not an accident. We are all being manipulated by the Obama government and his good buddy Cass Sustein.

Sustein is the historical equivalent to Joseph Goebbel - Reich Minister of NAZI Propaganda!

Government regulations have gotten so out-of-hand in the last three years, that the EPA is now regulating coal-fired electrical plants out of business. The EPA has become our enemy under the direction of "Reich Minister" Cass Sustein.

We need a new President. We need to fire all CZARS - especially Cass Sustein. We need to shut-down the EPA before their regulations are irreversible and our way of life is diminished because of their arbitrary regulations.

History DOES repeat itself! Cass Sustein is living proof!!

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