Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ban Gun Free Zones

It's time to end all "Gun Free Zones." Ironically, they promote attacks against innocent Americans. If guns were permitted in these places, law abiding people would be able to defend themselves against TERRORISTS/psychos and reduce the chances for any more mass killings. So far we've seen several examples of mass shootings in schools, movie theaters, churches and military installations that were attacked BECAUSE they were Gun-Free! How many more attacks AND deaths must occur before we get smart and BAN Gun Free zones?

The anti-gun folks have no decent or logical argument when you look at what's happening in America's "Gun-Free-Zones." Public venues are turning into killing places because of LIBERAL IDEOLOGY and Political Correctness. Those are NOT good reasons, and the facts do NOT support the gun banners either. Criminals know about Gun Free Zones and target them because they know they won't be threatened. Criminals don't follow the law so why add more gun laws? When will we get smart and prevent these mass shootings from happening?

It's time to use LIBERAL TACTICS against gun banners and the Political Correctness ideologs for a change. We all need to push HARD to ban all gun-free zones and to prod HARDER for national reciprocity for concealed weapon carry.  Let your Congressional representatives know how you feel and tell them to take actioin!

Conservatives need to use a Saul Alinsky tactic, never pass-up a good crisis to push YOUR AGENDA!

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