Just in case you may wonder how your representatives voted, we broke their votes down over the next two days (House votes today. US Senate votes tomorrow). The House of Representatives voted as follows:
House of Representatives who supported the bill listed alphabetically:
- Abraham
- Aderholt
- Allen
- Amodei
- Ashford
- Barletta
- Barr
- Barton
- Beatty
- Bilirakis
- Bishop (GA)
- Bishop (UT)
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blumenauer
- Bonamici
- Boustany
- Brady (TX)
- Brat
- Bridenstine
- Brooks (AL)
- Brooks (IN)
- Brown (FL)
- Buchanan
- Bustos
- Butterfield
- Calvert
- Capps
- Carson (IN)
- Carter (TX)
- Castro (TX)
- Chabot
- Cicilline
- Clawson (FL)
- Cleaver
- Cohen
- Cole
- Comstock
- Conaway
- Conyers
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cramer
- Crenshaw
- Culberson
- Davis (CA)
- Davis, Danny
- DeGette
- DeLauro
- DelBene
- Dent
- DesJarlais
- Diaz-Balart
- Dingell
- Doggett
- Donovan
- Doyle, Michael F.
- Duffy
- Duncan (SC)
- Duncan (TN)
- Edwards
- Ellison
- Emmer (MN)
- Engel
- Eshoo
- Esty
- Farr
- Fattah
- Fincher
- Fleischmann
- Forbes
- Fortenberry
- Foster
- Frankel (FL)
- Frelinghuysen
- Gabbard
- Gallego
- Garamendi
- Goodlatte
- Graham
- Granger
- Grayson
- Griffith
- Grothman
- Guthrie
- Hahn
- Hardy
- Harper
- Heck (WA)
- Hensarling
- Hice, Jody B.
- Higgins
- Himes
- Hinojosa
- Huelskamp
- Hultgren
- Hunter
- Israel
- Issa
- Johnson (GA)
- Johnson, Sam
- Jolly
- Kaptur
- Katko
- Kelly (MS)
- Kelly (PA)
- King (IA)
- King (NY)
- Kline
- Kuster
- LaHood
- LaMalfa
- Lamborn
- Langevin
- Larsen (WA)
- Larson (CT)
- Latta
- Lawrence
- Lipinski
- Loebsack
- Lofgren
- Long
- Love
- Lowenthal
- Lucas
- Luetkemeyer
- Luján, Ben Ray (NM)
- Lummis
- Lynch
- Maloney, Carolyn
- Massie
- McCarthy
- McCaul
- McClintock
- McCollum
- McHenry
- McMorris Rodgers
- McNerney
- McSally
- Meadows
- Meehan
- Meeks
- Meng
- Messer
- Mica
- Miller (MI)
- Moolenaar
- Moulton
- Mullin
- Murphy (FL)
- Murphy (PA)
- Neal
- Newhouse
- Nunes
- O'Rourke
- Olson
- Palmer
- Perlmutter
- Perry
- Pingree
- Pocan
- Polis
- Pompeo
- Posey
- Price (NC)
- Rangel
- Rice (SC)
- Roby
- Rogers (KY)
- Rohrabacher
- Rokita
- Rooney (FL)
- Roskam
- Ross
- Rothfus
- Royce
- Ruiz
- Ruppersberger
- Russell
- Ryan (Alias RINO)
- Salmon
- Sanford
- Scalise
- Schrader
- Schweikert
- Scott (VA)
- Scott, Austin
- Scott, David
- Sensenbrenner
- Serrano
- Sessions
- Sherman
- Shimkus
- Shuster
- Simpson
- Sinema
- Smith (NE)
- Smith (NJ)
- Smith (TX)
- Smith (WA)
- Speier
- Stefanik
- Stewart
- Stutzman
- Takano
- Thornberry
- Titus
- Torres
- Trott
- Tsongas
- Upton
- Van Hollen
- Veasey
- Vela
- Walden
- Walorski
- Walters, Mimi
- Walz
- Wasserman Schultz
- Waters, Maxine
- Webster (FL)
- Welch
- Westerman
- Westmoreland
- Whitfield
- Williams
- Wilson (FL)
- Wilson (SC)
- Wittman
- Womack
- Yarmuth
- Young (IA)
- Young (IN)
- Zeldin
- Zinke
House Representatives who Opposed the bill:
- Adams
- Aguilar
- Amash
- Babin
- Bass
- Becerra
- Benishek
- Bera
- Beyer
- Bishop (MI)
- Blum
- Bost
- Brady (PA)
- Brownley (CA)
- Buck
- Bucshon
- Burgess
- Capuano
- Cárdenas
- Carney
- Carter (GA)
- Cartwright
- Castor (FL)
- Clark (MA)
- Clarke (NY)
- Clyburn
- Coffman
- Collins (GA)
- Connolly
- Costa
- Costello (PA)
- Crawford
- Crowley
- Cummings
- Curbelo (FL)
- Davis, Rodney
- DeFazio
- Delaney
- DeSaulnier
- Dold
- Duckworth
- Ellmers (NC)
- Farenthold
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleming
- Flores
- Foxx
- Fudge
- Gibson
- Graves (GA)
- Graves (LA)
- Green, Al
- Green, Gene
- Guinta
- Gutiérrez
- Hanna
- Hartzler
- Heck (NV)
- Herrera Beutler
- Hill
- Holding
- Honda
- Hoyer
- Hudson
- Huffman
- Huizenga (MI)
- Hurd (TX)
- Jeffries
- Jenkins (KS)
- Jenkins (WV)
- Johnson, E. B.
- Jones
- Jordan
- Keating
- Kelly (IL)
- Kilmer
- Kind
- Kinzinger (IL)
- Kirkpatrick
- Knight
- Lance
- Lee
- Levin
- Lewis
- LoBiondo
- Lowey
- MacArthur
- Maloney, Sean
- Marchant
- Marino
- McDermott
- McGovern
- McKinley
- Miller (FL)
- Mooney (WV)
- Moore
- Mulvaney
- Napolitano
- Neugebauer
- Noem
- Nolan
- Norcross
- Nugent
- Palazzo
- Pallone
- Paulsen
- Pelosi
- Peters
- Peterson
- Pittenger
- Poe (TX)
- Poliquin
- Price, Tom
- Ratcliffe
- Reed
- Reichert
- Renacci
- Ribble
- Rice (NY)
- Richmond
- Rigell
- Roe (TN)
- Rogers (AL)
- Ros-Lehtinen
- Rouzer
- Roybal-Allard
- Rush
- Ryan (OH)
- Sánchez, Linda T.
- Sanchez, Loretta
- Schakowsky
- Schiff
- Sewell (AL)
- Slaughter
- Smith (MO)
- Stivers
- Swalwell (CA)
- Thompson (CA)
- Thompson (MS)
- Thompson (PA)
- Tiberi
- Tipton
- Turner
- Valadao
- Vargas
- Velázquez
- Visclosky
- Walberg
- Walker
- Watson Coleman
- Weber (TX)
- Woodall
- Yoder
- Yoho
- Young (AK)
Note: There were 47 others who did NOT bother to vote.
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