Friday, September 4, 2009

"Silly" Remark from White House

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is an moron and so is Obama! Apparently, they believe that it's OK to BUTT-IN to our children's education. Gibbs was rather glib when he stated "I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the United States can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school..."

Apparently the White House has missed the point once again. It's not the content of the Presidential speech (this time) that IS the issue. Rather it's whether the federal government has ANY business providing lesson plans to schools across the United States telling teachers (voluntarily this time) what to teach.

Let's make it clear once more. Education is a state's rights issue. Don't send lesson plans or any other government political propaganda to our kids. Get IT?

Action To Take
Send a message to the White House. Boycott schools on Tuesday, September 8, 2009. Keep your kids at home so they won't be subjected to the government brainwashing attempts. Call your local schools and demand that they do NOT participate in the politicization and government indoctrination of our children. Then, call the White House and let them know you are outraged at this attempt to micro-manage your kids education. White House: 202-456-1414; emails;

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