Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patriot Act Isn't Over Yet

Is This Treason?
The Republican leadership tried to extend the expiring parts of the infamous Patriot Act and failed this week because they underestimated the Tea Party members in the House of Representatives. However, this is only a minor setback. The GOP leadership will bring the measure back up for a vote because it expires at the end of the month and they want to extend it.

Are those who support the Patriot Act guilty of TREASON? Maybe. Here's why.

Illegal Because...
The Bush administration passed the Patriot Act one month after the 911 attacks on America. Congress had 15 minutes to read the 315 page bill. Of course, they didn't read it and summarily passed it under extreme pressure from the White House. Now, under the Obama administration, it seems that the government does not want to loose these unconstitutional powers granted in the Patriot Act. Again, there is strong pressure coming from the Obama White House to extend the Patriot Act.

Here are a few reasons why the Patriot Act is illegal:

  • It permits federal agents to write their own search warrants without any court involvement. ( The Constitution states that ONLY COURTS can issue these warrants).

  • The Patriot Act prohibits the recipient of a search warrant from telling ANYONE that they have received it - even THEIR LAWYER! This violates the 1st Amendment and free speech.

  • The Patriot Act permits federal agents to break into your home and plant listening and viewing devices there. And, they do NOT have to tell you that they have done this for 18 months!

  • The Patriot Act allows federal agents to come into your home or residence ANYTIME they want and seize your personal property. They can use ANY of this "evidence" taken illegally to use against YOU!

  • It requires your lawyer, banker, librarian, movie renter, computer ISP, post office, and so on, to hand-over whatever the feds demand without ANY warrants issued by a judge.
Hear Enough Yet?
How is this different from Nazi Germany? It isn't! In addition, the Patriot Act violates the right of privacy and illegal search and seizure. All of these things (and more not listed), are guaranteed by the US Constitution! The Patriot Act IGNORES the law of the land by making the Federal Government a POLICE STATE!!

Ask Yourself This
Why does the Republican leadership (the Good-Old-Boy network) want this law renewed?

When they took office they swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution.

ANYONE who supports this legislation is guilty of TREASON!!

Action To Take
Watch how your representatives vote on this Act. Remember who the TRAITORS are and dump them in the next election cycle! If they vote to repeal, tell them to ABOLISH the ACT completely!

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