Friday, May 11, 2012

DHS Plays Civil War Games

Be Appraised
Are you aware that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) routinely trains for civil war here in the United States? They apparently learned a lesson from the Katrina Hurricane disaster. They learned that after such a disasters, it becomes a dog-eat-dog world among the survivors. (Maybe this is why they just recently purchased MILLIONS of rounds of ammunition). Large groups of civilians become homeless and in desperate need of food, water, clothing and shelter. They often turn to looting to meet their needs.

Consequently, DHS trains and practices how to handle unruly civilians in the event of another natural or man-made disasters (as Obama calls them). We are referring to terrorist attacks. It's a fact that the DHS is planning for civil war in the event of an economic crash or earthquake/hurricane disaster.

Ask The Question
If the DHS is training for civil unrest, then what's YOUR plan for YOUR family in this scenario? Do you even have a plan? Look, if the government is preparing for it, then you should too!

Have you read the "Book 60 Seconds After"? It details what to expect if the US is attacked by an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) pulse bomb. You don't hear it, see it, or taste it. But you DO feel the results immediately. The aftermath is NOT pretty! Large groups of individuals turn to lawlessness and worse, to try and survive a world that has lost most of its 20th century technological devices. No more cars, refrigerators, electric lights, computers, telephones, GPS - everything gone or not working! A pulse bomb could happen anytime. An EMP pulse doesn't have to be man-made either! One good blast of solar radiation in the right direction could bring down a large part of our electrical grid in the US. It already did a few years ago!

How long could you and your family survive in that world? Do you have any food storage? Shelter? How about first aid supplies? Medical? Water? Without any plan, you would become a death statistic! If you are going to rely on the government to help, good luck! DHS and other government agencies (including local police) will be overloaded and understaffed. You will have to rely on your own ingenuity for survival.

If and When
In the event that things become unhinged, what are your plans for survival? What things do you control in your life? Do you have a safe retreat? Will you be able to get there in an emergency? Can you hunker-down and stay where you are? For how long? A day? A week? Three months?

You might want to start thinking about this situation and what you will do to protect yourself and loved ones. Do you have a game plan for a disaster?

Why? / Why not?

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