Sunday, May 6, 2012

Keep'em Divided

"Divide And Conquer"
This phrase is an old one attributed to the King Phillip II of Macedon back in 382-386. It describes the policy of how to divide and rule a citizenry. The strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking opponents into smaller and smaller groups (splintering) them instead of facing one large united group.

This strategy is composed of the following:
  • Prevent smaller power groups from linking up and becoming more powerful.
  • Break up all power alliances into smaller groups that are easier to deal with and disparage.
Individuals who are in power use this method to try and stay in power and those who are not, use it to their advantage to gain power. It's a tried and true method that has worked over mankind for centuries.

Obama Knows This Method
If you look closely to Obama's strategy, it's not new. No, it's the tried and proven method described above. He's using the strategy! President Obama is deliberately trying to divide the country into smaller chunks of opposing groups so he can defeat them and remain in power. Hence the attacks against the rich. Obama is using class warfare to be divisive.

He divides Latinos, African Americans, unionists, conservatives - YOU NAME IT - and tries to keep them divided. He knows that if they decide to get together and unit, he's done and will only serve a single term in office.

Don't Be Fooled
Stop and take a look at the big picture. Recognize that you are being manipulated. It's hard to discover that you are being manipulated, but you are - we all are.

If you look at Obama's record and at his policies carefully, you will discover that he is not looking out for YOU! He has HIS own agenda for America. It's not favorable to the way things used to be. The American traditions and way of life have different meanings for Obama. He wants  things HIS way, the Socialist way. This of course, always leads (over time) to the Communist way of life. Definitely NOT good for America as we know it.

America is Torn
Ask yourself  whether you are better off now than before Obama took office. Ask yourself if you can afford another four years of the direction Obama is taking our country. We are more divided now than ever before.

Thank Obama! It's part of HIS vision for our future.

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