Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Sad Day For America

Yesterday marked a sad day in American history. It's the day that Barack Hussein Obama was sworn-in for a second term as President of the United States. It truly will go down in history as a changing point for America. Our Founding Fathers are probably turning over in their graves.

It's not hard to see what we can expect in the next four years under the man who literally wants to bring America to her knees. We have already seen his opening attacks against the second Amendment. But that's just the beginning. Recall that he has already attacked religious freedoms and will continue to do so in the next four years. Here are several other items that Obama will try to "Transform" in this term:

Obama will;

  •  Waste tons more money on Green Energy failures.
  •  Tax our economy to the point of collapse.
  •  Bury small business with numerous regulations.
  •  Increase deficit spending.
  •  Continue to borrow, borrow, borrow, to collapse the dollar.
  •  Gut our military making us vulnerable to our enemies.
  •  Continue to expand and support unions, starting with TSA.
  •  Support all efforts to help corrupt our voting system.
  •  Destroy our nuclear capabilities making the USA vulnerable to attacks.
  •  Continue to expand the food stamp program to get as many as possible dependent on the government.
  •  Extend unemployment benefits over and over making it easier not to work and to get paid for doing so.
  •  Dismantle America as much as humanly possible.

In four years, you will NOT recognize this country. If people wake-up and decide to stop this take-over, it will take the next 80-100 years just to get back where we started from. Is this sounds bleak and pessimistic, just look at what he has promised for his second term. He has nothing to lose now.

Action To Take
If you're sick and tired of this BIG GOVERNMENT takeover, don't just sit there any longer. Do something. Become politically active. Join your local Tea Party. Join the Libertarian Party. Join a militia. Anything to stop this out of control government takeover.

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