Thursday, October 10, 2013

Accountability for a Change

Isn't it time for the Obama administration to be held accountable for IT's actions? Case in point: The Defense Department. They have denied funeral expenses to the surviving families of our fallen troops.


Persons in charge: Chuck Hagel - (Defense Secretary) AND - Barack Obama - (Commander & Chief). We cannot fire Obama but we can, and should FIRE Hagel.

The federal government is now allowing a privately owned organization to help pay for the funerals of our fallen troops. Why is this? The Defense Department has the largest budget of all government departments. Obama can keep his presidential golf course open, but can't keep the promise to help families of deceased troops.


This administration has demonstrated it's lack of respect for our military. They don't care about them and have shown it by their actions.

Drop a dime on the White House and let them know that you're MAD AS HELL. Let Obama hear you! 202-456-1111

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