Thursday, December 19, 2013

Senator TRAITORS Cut Military Retirements

Yesterday the US Senate passed a bill that Obama will gladly sign into law that cuts reimbursement of military retirements including cuts to those wounded and disabled in service to our country. Their excuse for passing it was "so we could avoid closing down the government," but we say it's because they don't give a care about our troops but care more for ILLEGALS. The bill they passed gives entitlements to ILLEGALS and pays for those entitlements by cutting the benefits to our military. There's no justification for this vote. The bill also INCREASES SPENDING & BORROWING to the tune of a new national debt of $25 TRILLION!!!!

Here's how the vote went. First we list the so-called "Republicans" (alias RINOs) and "Independents" who are TRAITORS to OUR MILITARY. They include:

  Chambliss (R GA), Yea
  Collins (R ME), Yea
  Hatch (R UT), Yea
  Hoeven (R ND), Yea
  Isakson (R GA), Yea
  Johnson (R WI), Yea
  King (I ME), Yea
  McCain (R AZ), Yea
  Murkowski (R AK), Yea
  Portman (R OH), Yea
  Sanders (I VT), Yea

TRAITORS do NOT belong in the United States Senate. They have betrayed their oath to the Constitution and their promise to our Military. They are LOATHSOME SCUMBAGS. They do not deserve your votes or your respect.

The other list of individual Senators who care more about supporting ILLEGALS than they do our own US military are the Democrats who all voted "YES." They also are also LOATHSOME SCUMBAGS for the same reasons. They include:

 Baldwin (D WI), Yea
 Baucus (D MT), Yea
 Begich (D AK), Yea
 Bennet (D CO), Yea
 Blumenthal (D CT), Yea
 Booker (D NJ), Yea
 Boxer (D CA), Yea
 Brown (D OH), Yea
 Cantwell (D WA), Yea
 Cardin (D MD), Yea
 Carper (D DE), Yea
 Casey (D PA), Yea
 Coons (D DE), Yea
 Donnelly (D IN), Yea
 Durbin (D IL), Yea
 Franken (D MN), Yea
 Gillibrand (D NY), Yea
 Feinstein (D CA), Yea
 Hagan (D NC), Yea
 Harkin (D IA), Yea
 Heinrich (D NM), Yea
 Heitkamp (D ND), Yea
 Hirono (D HI), Yea
 Johnson (D SD), Yea
 Kaine (D VA), Yea
 Klobuchar (D MN), Yea
 Landrieu (D LA), Yea
 Leahy (D VT), Yea
 Levin (D MI), Yea
 Manchin (D WV), Yea
 Markey (D MA), Yea
 McCaskill (D MO), Yea
 Menendez (D NJ), Yea
 Merkley (D OR), Yea
 Mikulski (D MD), Yea
 Murphy (D CT), Yea
 Murray (D WA), Yea
 Nelson (D FL), Yea
 Pryor (D AR), Yea
 Reed (D RI), Yea
 Reid (D NV), Yea
 Rockefeller (D WV), Yea
 Schatz (D HI), Yea
 Schumer (D NY), Yea
 Shaheen (D NH), Yea
 Stabenow (D MI), Yea
 Tester (D MT), Yea
 Udall (D CO), Yea
 Udall (D NM), Yea
 Warner (D VA), Yea
 Warren (D MA), Yea
 Whitehouse (D RI), Yea
 Wyden (D OR), Yea

America: WAKE UP and get rid of these SCUMBAGS! Don't believe what they say. Believe how they voted!!! The TRUTH shows their lack of INTEGRITY!!!

Finally, the Republicans who voted to protect our military and NOT to give entitlements to ILLEGALS are the following:

 Alexander (R TN), Nay
 Ayotte (R NH), Nay
 Barrasso (R WY), Nay
 Blunt (R MO), Nay
 Boozman (R AR), Nay
 Burr (R NC), Nay
 Coats (R IN), Nay
 Coburn (R OK), Nay
 Cochran (R MS), Nay
 Corker (R TN), Nay
 Cornyn (R TX), Nay
 Crapo (R ID), Nay
 Cruz (R TX), Nay
 Enzi (R WY), Nay
 Fischer (R NE), Nay
 Flake (R AZ), Nay
 Graham (R SC), Nay
 Grassley (R IA), Nay
 Heller (R NV), Nay
 Inhofe (R OK), Nay
 Johanns (R NE), Nay
 Kirk (R IL), Nay
 Lee (R UT), Nay
 McConnell (R KY), Nay
 Moran (R KS), Nay
 Paul (R KY), Nay
 Risch (R ID), Nay
 Roberts (R KS), Nay
 Rubio (R FL), Nay
 Scott (R SC), Nay
 Sessions (R AL), Nay
 Shelby (R AL), Nay
 Thune (R SD), Nay
 Toomey (R PA), Nay
 Vitter (R LA), Nay
 Wicker (R MS), Nay

These people deserve our respect for protecting and defending our military while excluding ILLEGALS from entitlements and not expanding our deficits beyond sustainable numbers. Please do NOT forget that it was the Republican-controled House of Representatives that passed this bill over to Congress. They are also SCUMBAGS for doing so.

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