Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cost Cutting

New Measures Invoked
In his latest attempt to show some "responsibility" President Obama has a new approach to cutting federal costs. He's setting some good examples on how politicians try to "cut" spending.

Example One
While visiting Boston, MA the other day, Obama and his campaign team found a new way to save money. Stick the security bill to the hosting city. Mayor Tom Menino is facing having to pay police for overtime and additional duties that were performed during Obama's visit. That way, Obama runs clear, gets a free jet airplane ride and we pay for his fuel, and Secret Service agents. Nice work Barry!

Example Two
While visiting New England, Obama took an unscheduled visit up to neighboring New Hampshire. Of course they were happy to see the President, who wouldn't?

Well, if you were the owner of the restaurant where the Obama campaign team stopped for lunch, you might have a different feeling. You see that poor guy (a small businessman) got stiffed by the entire campaign party because they ate and then all left without paying for their lunches! This gives a new definition to "Dine and Dash." This is the Presidential version of it.

Beware of His Visits
So when you see the Presidential limousine pull up in front of your place, be on the alert. You are about to be stiffed by none other than the BIG GUY HIMSELF! This guy and his team are nothing more than a bunch of deadbeats looking for a "free lunch" - literally!!

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