Friday, May 17, 2013

Seniors Take Note

60 Plus Association A Smart Alternative
The 60 Plus Association is the nation's largest Conservative seniors group. Contrary to the AARP who's political affiliation is deeply LIBERAL. Recall that the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)  lobbied heavily to support ObamaCare which cuts deeply into Medicare. They aligned closely with the Obama administration in order to receive permission to continue to sell their alternative insurance to seniors. Their support showed Conservatives that their LIBERAL political alliance was more important than their Conservative constituents.

60 Plus is strongly pushing Washington lawmakers to renew their efforts to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act (ObamaCare). This renewed effort is because to the recent IRS scandal which is unfolding as we speak. This powerful tax-reinforcement agency is totally corrupted and needs to be replaced with integrity and honesty. This is one of 60 Plus's  goals.

60 Plus chairman, Jim Martin says;

"The IRS cannot be trusted, plain and simple. They are a government bureaucracy run amok, without true oversight or accountability, fulfilling the petty political agendas of its bureaucrats and executives. They have proven they cannot be trusted and have therefore forfeited the right to participate in any meaningful way in our healthcare choices… We call on Congress and the President to pull the plug on the IRS and their systematic corruption. he only acceptable course of action is a full and complete repeal of the ObamaCare legislation which allows the IRS to peek into every doctor's examining room, and at every Americans health charts."

You can join 60 Plus for FREE. Here's how:  Do it today & drop your AARP memberships because they are NOT looking out for YOUR interests.

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